The label "Qualitätsweg Wanderbares Deutschland" defines Germany-wide standards for hiking trails and gives hiking guests a unique hiking experiance.
Every year, the most beautiful hiking trail is chosen in a public vote by the specialist magazine Wandermagazin. The Neckarsteig dit it in 2018!
Family friendly accommodation, as identified by the Odenwald Tourist Association (TGO) in their Holiday 2012 catalogue. The accommodations have participated in this TGO service campaign and received a certification of having fulfilled the criteria.
Recognized holiday fruit farm – according to criteria of the Federal Working Group for Farm Holidays and Rural Tourism in Germany.
Quality award ‘Bed & Bike’ – bike-friendly host according to the criteria of the ADFC, see also:
Holiday with care in Hirschhorn and Neckargemuend. Nursing support also in non-handicapped apartments and guest rooms: