News und Meldungen vom Neckarsteig

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The hiking season on the Neckarsteig has begun!

On Saturday, April 13, 2024, the hiking season on the Mosbach-Hassmersheim stage of the Neckarsteig quality hiking trail was officially opened by the Neckarsteig office in cooperation with the municipality of Hassmersheim in glorious spring weather. + read_more

In the area of the Himmelsleiter between Michaelsberg and Gundelsheim, there has been a landslide, making the hiking trail currently impassable. For safety reasons, the Himmelsleiter has been temporarily closed. As this section is also part of the Ne + read_more

Forest work at Heidelberg Königstuhl

We would like to inform you that forestry work is currently being carried out between the Königstuhl and the Hohle Kästenbaum. Please follow the relevant instructions on site to ensure your safety and protect nature. Thank you for your un + read_more

Heidelberg Königstuhl - Closure due to snow

The Neckarsteig in the Königsstuhl area is currently closed for some time due to snowfall. We will let you know when the trail is accessible again.       + read_more

Castle ruins partially closed

There is good news. Thanks to a great effort of the THW (German Federal Agency for Technical Relief), the wall of the Minneburg of the Küchenbau, which was in danger of collapsing, could be secured in such a way that the "Vorburg" can + read_more

In cooperation with
