News und Meldungen vom Neckarsteig

From calendar week 7, a timber harvesting measure will be continued in the Neckargemünder forest in the area of the Bockfelsenhütte on Kastanienberg, which was interrupted in spring 2023 due to the onset of sap flow and the resulting increased risk of bark damage.

The forestry office of the Rhine-Neckar district therefore urgently requests that the barriers be observed; violations will be punished.
As it is not possible to block all access to the forest - for example from the gardens of local residents - residents are asked for their own safety to refrain from using their usual (short) routes for the duration of the felling.
Depending on the weather, it is possible that the forest roads may be affected by the use of machinery. However, as soon as the lion's share of the harvested timber has been removed, the damage to the paths will of course be repaired, thus ensuring that the popular recreational forest will once again be fully accessible to forest visitors in the coming years.
The district forestry office asks for your understanding for the necessary and temporary restriction of the forest's recreational function, which is expected to last until the end of February.

The stairs above the Hollmuthtunnel (between Mühlgasse and Am Mühlrain) need to be repaired. The stairs will be fully closed from 29.07. to 22.08.2024 for the necessary construction work to ensure traffic safety. Please use the signposted + read_more

Spring renvation near Eberbach

Due to spring renovation work, a section of the Neckarsteig in the Eberbach city forest will be closed from 10.06.2024 (marked in red). A detour (blue) will be set up. This will run via the Schützeheide Talweg, continuing via the K4115 to the ju + read_more

In the area of the Himmelsleiter between Michaelsberg and Gundelsheim, there has been a landslide, making the hiking trail currently impassable. For safety reasons, the Himmelsleiter has been temporarily closed. As this section is also part of the Ne + read_more

Castle ruins partially closed

There is good news. Thanks to a great effort of the THW (German Federal Agency for Technical Relief), the wall of the Minneburg of the Küchenbau, which was in danger of collapsing, could be secured in such a way that the "Vorburg" can + read_more

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